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OTHER DISCLOSURES 105 CASH FLOW STATEMENT 7.6 The cash flow statement shows the origin and use of cash flows. A distinction is made between cash flow from operating activity and cash flow from investment and financing activity in accordance with IAS 7, “Statement of Cash Flows.” The item presented in Section 6.7, “cash and cash equivalents,” is included in the funds presented in the cash flow statement. Deviations between the additions cited in the Statement of Fixed Assets and payments made for investments in property, plant and equipment result from outstanding amounts owed for asset acquisitions as of the reporting date, and from the netting out of investment subsidies with additions to fixed assets as reported in the Statement of Fixed Assets. Interest paid and received and taxes on income are directly evident from the consolidated cash flow statement. SEGMENT REPORTING 7.7 The operating segments conform to the Group’s business segments. The Group’s risks and internal organizational and reporting structures are largely determined by the products which are manufactured in the various segments. Business segments Nabaltec is divided into two divisions, “Functional Fillers” and “Technical Ceramics.” Each segment represents a strategic business unit with distinct products and markets. The “Functional Fillers” division primarily manufactures and distributes non-halogenated flame-retardant fillers for the plastics and cable industry, as well as additives. In the “Technical Ceramics” division, ceramic materials and ceramic bodies are manufactured and distributed for a wide range of applications in technical ceramics and in the refractory industry. The “Others” column consists of assets and liabilities which are not attributable to any individual segment. Transfer prices between the business segments are generally determined based on typical market conditions in accordance with the arm’s length principle. Segment revenues, expenses and earnings include transfers between business units which are eliminated over the course of consolidation. No transactions between the business segments took place in the 2016 and 2015 Financial Years. S T N E M E T A T S L A I C N A N I F D E T A D I L O S N O C Annual Report 2016 | Nabaltec AG ||||
