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Nabaltec_E_GB2016 - Report of the Supervisory Board

12 REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD NABALTEC AG Dr. Dieter J. Braun Dr. Leopold von Heimendahl (Chairman of the Supervisory Board) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen G. Heinrich Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Shareholders, Despite the challenging situation at Nashtec, management and employees were able to ensure continued supply of US customers Financial Year 2016 was a successful year for Nabaltec AG even though it was marked by the uncertain development of environmental factors for the US subsidiary, Nashtec. Faced with this challenging situation, management and employees were able to ensure continued supply and thus retain the US customers. At the same time, a stand-alone solution was developed, in close consultation between the Management and Supervisory Boards, for the secure position- ing of Nashtec LLC. We expect this realignment to be implemented in 2017. We will be closely observing this process, as well as all other strategies and measures for exhausting potential in the target markets in the coming year, and we will continue to work intensively to super- vise and advise the Management Board in that regard. The Supervisory Board received comprehensive information from the Management Board The Supervisory Board duly performed its assigned tasks in Financial Year 2016 in accord- ance with the law, the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure and was routinely informed by the Management Board in detail as to the performance and position of the company. It advised the Management Board in accordance with the underlying information and exercised utmost care in monitoring and supervising the Management Board. The Super- visory Board was involved at an early stage in all decisions of fundamental importance for the company, and was kept fully and directly informed by the Management Board. |||| Nabaltec AG | Annual Report 2016
