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MAJOR ACCOUNTING POLICIES 75 adjustment of the estimated useful life of the asset, or that the value of the asset has decreased. In addition, intangible assets which are not yet ready for use are tested for impairment annually. If the net book value of the asset is higher than the recoverable amount (the higher of the asset’s value in use and net realizable value), a write-down is performed. The determination of expected future cash flows takes into account current and expected future income as well as technological, economic and general developments and developments in the specific field of business. If the reason for an earlier write-down no longer applies, a write-up to the amortized cost of the asset is performed, to the extent permissible. 4.10 FINANCIAL ASSETS Financial assets in terms of IAS 39 are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit and loss, loans and receivables, held-to-maturity investments or available-for-sale financial as- sets. Upon initial recognition, financial assets are measured at fair value. For financial assets which are not measured at fair value through profit and loss, the measurement includes transaction costs which are directly attributable to acquisition of the asset. The Group classifies its financial assets upon initial recognition and reviews this classification at the end of each year, to the extent reasonable and permissible. As of the reporting date, the Group has not classified any financial assets as “held-to-maturity investments” or “available- for-sale financial assets.” All regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognized on the trade date, i.e. the date on which the Group entered into an obligation to buy or sell the asset or liability. Regular way purchases and sales are purchases or sales of financial assets which call for the assets to be delivered within a period defined by market rules or conventions. Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss The category of financial assets at fair value through profit and loss includes financial assets which are held for trading and financial assets that are designated on initial recognition as financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss. No such designation was made by the Group in the reporting period. Financial assets are classified as “held for trading” if they were acquired for the purpose of selling them in the near future. Derivatives are also classified as “held for trading,” with the exception of derivatives which are financial guarantee contracts or which are designated and effective hedging instruments. Income and losses from financial assets which are held for trad- ing are recognized through profit and loss. At the time when the Group first becomes a counterparty to a contract, it ascertains whether embedded derivatives are to be recognized separately from the host contract. A reassessment is only performed if the terms of the contract are substantially modified, resulting in a signifi- cant change to the cash flows which would otherwise have been generated by the contract. Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. They particularly consist of trade receivables, other assets and cash and cash equivalents. Annual Report 2016 | Nabaltec AG |||| S T N E M E T A T S L A I C N A N I F D E T A D I L O S N O C
