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NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 83 INTEREST AND SIMILAR EXPENSES 5.11 Interest and similar expenses are shown in the following table: INTEREST AND SIMILAR EXPENSES in TEUR Interest expenses to banks Interest expenses from interest rate swaps Interest expenses from provisions Interest expenses for the loan from Sherwin Alumina Interest expenses from compounding Total 5.12 TAXES ON INCOME Taxes on income break down as follows: INCOME TAXES in TEUR Actual taxes: Tax expense for current year Tax expense for prior years Deferred taxes: Accrual and reversal of temporary differences Thereof recognized in other comprehensive income Total 2016 1,427 886 725 250 43 2015 1,944 768 685 211 316 3,331 3,924 2016 2015 3,237 8 –1,584 2,217 3,878 2,557 –11 93 769 3,408 Taxes on income for Financial Year 2016 consist of current trade and corporate income tax, as well as US withholding tax for 2016. Deferred taxes are calculated based on the tax rates in effect or expected at the time of realiza- tion, taking into account tax rules in effect or adopted as of the reporting date. The calcula- tion of deferred taxes in Germany was based on a tax rate of 29.13% (year before: 28.08%). This number is comprised of the 15% corporate income tax rate, which remains in effect, the unchanged 5.5% solidarity mark-up and the average Group trade tax rate of 13.30% (year before: 12.25%). Taxes for the foreign company were calculated using the applicable national tax rates (34%, unchanged from the year before). The effects of taxes in other comprehensive income, recognized as part of consolidated shareholders’ equity, break down as follows for each component: in TEUR Foreign currency translation Net income from hedge accounting Actuarial gains and losses Total BEFORE TAXES DEFERRED TAXES AFTER TAXES 2016 428 –928 –6,137 –6,637 2015 1,054 –781 –1,883 –1,610 2016 2015 0 299 1,918 2,217 0 240 529 769 2016 428 –629 –4,219 –4,420 2015 1,054 –541 –1,354 –841 Annual Report 2016 | Nabaltec AG |||| S T N E M E T A T S L A I C N A N I F D E T A D I L O S N O C
