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NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME/ NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BAL ANCE SHEET 85 The deferred tax asset in the form of the loss carry-forward is attributable in its entirety to Nashtec LLC. Under US law, the latter is not considered to be an independent tax subject for federal and state taxes. In general, the share of the tax loss carry-forwards in the US which are attributable to Nabaltec AG, as shareholder, in the amount of EUR 2,065 thousand (year before: EUR 4,873 thousand), can be carried back two years and carried forward up to 20 years for the purposes of federal tax: in TEUR Expiration date within 1 year 2 – 5 years 6 – 10 years 11 – 20 years 2016 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,065 4,873 Deferred tax assets and liabilities in the US are netted out with deferred tax assets in connec- tion with loss carry-forwards. Due to advantageous tax write-off rules, tax loss carry-forwards in the US are much higher than actual losses. As of 31 December 2016, deferred tax assets in the amount of EUR 0 thousand (year before: EUR 0 thousand) were recognized in Germany in connection with loss and interest carry-forwards. 6. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET INTANGIBLE ASSETS 6.1 With regard to the change in intangible assets, reference is made to the Statement of Fixed Assets. Intangible assets largely consist of IT software and proprietary rights. No intangible assets had been transferred by way of security as of 31 December 2016, as was the case in the prior year as well. Material obligations to acquire intangible assets did not exist. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 6.2 The change in property, plant and equipment is shown in the Statement of Fixed Assets. Assets in the amount of EUR 0 thousand (year before: EUR 36,958 thousand) serve as collateral for bank loans. Land charges of Nabaltec AG in the amount of EUR 0 thousand (year before: EUR 5,600 thousand) served as collateral for bank loans as of 31 December 2016. A total of EUR 273 thousand in borrowing costs were capitalized in Financial Year 2016 (year before: EUR 172 thousand) for the long-term manufacture of various technical equipment, buildings and operating equipment. The average capitalization rate used for the calculation of capitalizable borrowing costs was 3.20% (year before: 4.00%). Annual Report 2016 | Nabaltec AG |||| S T N E M E T A T S L A I C N A N I F D E T A D I L O S N O C
