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MAJOR ACCOUNTING POLICIES/ NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 79 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss are measured at fair value upon initial recognition. Income and losses due to changes in fair value are immediately recognized as profit and loss. This category includes derivative financial instruments with negative market values (held for trading). Income and losses from financial liabilities measured at fair value are recognized as profit and loss. Interest-bearing loans and bonds Loans and bonds are measured at fair value upon initial recognition less directly associated transaction costs. They are not designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss. Following initial recognition, interest-bearing loans and bonds are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Differences between the historical cost and the repayment amount are recognized as profit and loss in accordance with the effective interest method. Financial liabilities, all of which are classified as other liabilities, are measured upon initial recognition at the fair value of the consideration received less associated transaction costs. Following initial recognition, financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Financial liabilities are derecognized once the obligation which forms the basis for the liability has been settled or terminated or has expired. 5. NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME REVENUES 5.1 For the breakdown of revenues into product segments, reference is made to the segment reporting and the associated notes in Section 7.7, “Segment reporting.” 5.2 OWN WORK CAPITALIZED Own work in the amount of EUR 716 thousand (year before: EUR 450 thousand) was capitalized in Financial Year 2016 for various technical equipment and machinery, including capitalized interest in the amount of EUR 273 thousand (year before: EUR 172 thousand). S T N E M E T A T S L A I C N A N I F D E T A D I L O S N O C Annual Report 2016 | Nabaltec AG ||||
